White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White lilies that grow in our flower gardens are the ideal source for home made beauty helps. This miraculous healing has been demonstrated by generations of beauty. Flower petals are used to make various creams, lotions, masks, cosmetics and perfumes. In order to extract the sap from the petals that finely chopped (a meat chopper can be used for this purpose as well) wrapped in cheesecloth and squeezed it.

Bactericidal cream for oily skin. Ingredients: Honey - 50 g, glycerin - 80 grams gelatin - 6 g, salicylic acid - 1g, white lily petals SAP - a table spoon.

Preparation: Pour the juice from lily in a glass and add the gelatin. When the mixture is "fan" to add the honey, glycerin and salicylic acid. Put the bowl in a pan of hot water and stir the mixture until it dissolves. Then cool the mixture and beat up. The cream is ready.

Whitening lotion. Ingredients: white lily petals - 2-3 pieces, rose petals - 3-4 units fresh cucumbers - 5 x, vodka - 0.5 liters. Grind the petals and cucumbers, add vodka. Put the mixture in a dark place. The lotion will be ready in 3 weeks. All you have to do is filter the tincture (pass through a strainer) and put it in a refrigerator. Before application of 0.5 mixing glass with 0.5 cup tincture of cold boiled water and add one tablespoon of glycerin. Live shell lotion is one month (in the fridge).

Skin lotion hit. Put 30 g (one tablespoon) chopped white lily petals in a cup and pour a cup of boiling water in it. After a lapse of 24 hours the solution is filtered and add glycerin 20g. The lotion is ready. Wipe your face and neck. Running time of the solution is 10-14 days. So it is advisable to make a new one.

Mask for oily skin and problematic. The mask is made with yeast and the results are excellent. Removes black stains your skin and pull the loose skin and porous together.

Preparation: Mix 2 teaspoons of yeast with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. When the mixture becomes as thick as sour cream, add one tablespoon of white lily sap and stir the mixture. The mixture is applied immediately. Clean your face before applying the mask and rub the mixture on the most problematic areas of the skin. Fifteen minutes after the mask has become dry to be removed. Then wash your face first with warm water and then with cold water.

White Lily fans may be recommended for exclusive perfume with flower honey. Therefore, put a piece of gauze in a small saucepan stew so that it overlaps the brim of the pan. Put one cup of chopped white lilies there, pour 2 cups of cold water, cover the pan with a lid and let stew for 10-12 hours. Then remove the gauze with flowers, expressing their containing broth into the pan and place over low heat to evaporate the solution. The process is slow and can be considered complete when the solution in the bread has been reduced to one tablespoon of liquid. This will be your homemade perfume being poured into a small dark glass bottle. Store in a dark place. The shelf life is 1 - 1.5 months.

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty

White Lily Guards Our Beauty